Wednesday, August 31, 2022

IS 101 - 3012 Impression

I have never utilized a blogging website so I am already finding this course rather interesting. Professor Wu is definitely unlike any other professor I have come across. He genuinely cares about this course and it shows. 

Before signing up for this course, I will be honest but like most people, I looked it up on "" Professor Wu has such great feedback. I can already tell why. I also asked around to see if anyone else that I knew had taken this course. They all did mention that it is very time consuming so I made sure that I would have time to give this class the attention it requires. 

I am looking forward to attending class in person this upcoming Saturday and learning more about the programs I already use everyday. 

“Henry Ford said, “Those who never make mistakes work for those of us who do.”
― Dave Ramsey, EntreLeadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches