Wednesday, August 31, 2022

IS 101 - 3012 Impression

I have never utilized a blogging website so I am already finding this course rather interesting. Professor Wu is definitely unlike any other professor I have come across. He genuinely cares about this course and it shows. 

Before signing up for this course, I will be honest but like most people, I looked it up on "" Professor Wu has such great feedback. I can already tell why. I also asked around to see if anyone else that I knew had taken this course. They all did mention that it is very time consuming so I made sure that I would have time to give this class the attention it requires. 

I am looking forward to attending class in person this upcoming Saturday and learning more about the programs I already use everyday. 

“Henry Ford said, “Those who never make mistakes work for those of us who do.”
― Dave Ramsey, EntreLeadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches


  1. Very glad you find this course interesting and thank you for recognizing my caring ^_^

    Yes, this course definitely takes more time and effort than a non-computer-based course!

    You will succeed Mayra and welcome to IS101-3012, Fall 2022 :-)

  2. This class is definitely different from all the others I've taken as well. I also had the same impression, our professor definitely cares. I've never blogged before so this new to me too.

  3. Blogging is new for me too, so this should be interesting as I never know what to write about. Looks like you're a fellow Dave Ramsey fan? I haven't read EntreLeadership yet, hope it was a good read.

  4. Never Blogged before I have set up Websites and business sites but not the correct way, Professor Wu is truly a professional who cares about his students and his approach is fantastic.

  5. A good professor can give teaching help and summarize learning methods. We are all here with the same goal, and hopefully, we can help each other along the road to success.

  6. The layout of your blog is very aesthetically pleasing. Also, I strive to be as attentive as you! Looking back, I wish I didn't look over the student feedback on stating that the coursework would be time consuming because I was so surprised to hear Professor Wu discussing the syllabus in depth the first day of class.

  7. I am with you on never blogging before. I see your a Dave Ramsey fan I've been following him since I started school and have been saving my money based off his ideas.

  8. The way your blog is set up is really appealing to the eyes, great background! Also I agree with you about how Professor Wu really cares about this course, and he also cares about his students even more and wants everyone to become successful.

  9. Never used a blog before as well. Never really dived into computers like this. Having professor Wu as someone to guide me through this class makes me feel great about this class.

  10. Blogging website is new for me too. I looked it up on "" and I also saw Professor Wu had excellent comments about the course. It was the best choice I made.

  11. I am already feeling the pressure of this course, and having trouble adjusting with time management anyone have any pointers?

  12. I also used "" I actually used the website for most if not all my classes. I never used a blogging website either, so responding and posting on blogs is all new to me.

  13. I also agree that the blogging aspect of the class is something I hadn't anticipated but am interested in learning more about! I am also glad to have a professor who wants their students to do well.

  14. Like a few others in class I too have never used a blog before, as someone that is fairly introverted in life this definitely takes me out of comfort zone. The first time I came through CSN I used rate my professor, but I found that yes some of the comments and rating of the teachers are accurate, I like to form my own opinion and keep an open mind to whatever that teacher has to offer.

  15. I'm also new to blogging, so I can say that I do relate to the other commenters on your blog. I completely understand how challenging it may be to adapt to a new environment, and since we've all done it at some point, it's just a natural thing to do and don’t worry, you will do great this semester.

  16. I also looked him up and saw that he has a great rating. Blogging is relatively new to me also. I did not expect to have this as part of class, but I am enjoying it so far.

  17. I also used "" for my teachers and never used a blogging website so this is also new to me.

  18. I Agree. Before the semester even began, Mr. Wu was helping and ensuring my success.

  19. I also use rate my professor, it's very helpful.
