Thursday, September 8, 2022

Been Up Since 5 AM

Oh man! This summer break is definitely taking a toll on me. I have been too comfortable not working on anything. I am currently sitting at the CSN North Las Vegas campus at approximately 9:30 PM. I just finished up English class. Even though I am only taking two classes at a time I am finding it hard to get back into the groove of things. 

It is "month end" at work and which is basically closing out the previous month (August). It is incredibly tedious work just like this class. Despite all of this, I am still going to push myself to go to the gym before making it home. Aren't we all glad coffee exist? Nothing a Pumpkin Cold Brew from Starbucks can't fix!

“Change is painful. Few people have the courage to seek out change. Most people won’t change until the pain of where they are exceeds the pain of change.”
― Dave Ramsey, The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness


  1. You will find your groove through the change of taking college classes and foreseeable peaks such as month-end closings :-)

    Pushing yourself to go to the gym before heading home after a long day of work and school, you can do this Mayra!

    Thank you for sharing the "Change is painful..." ^_^

  2. Tea and coffee are immensely helpful, especially when you need an extra energy boost. Although the early mornings and late evenings are difficult right now, everything will work out in the end.

  3. I don't do coffee, for some reason it was making my heart race. I can do Red Bull, Monsters, Rockstars, aren't they more worst then coffee. One groove I haven't been able to get back is the gym. With work and school gym time is out the window. You will get into the groove of things and you kill it.

  4. Pushing yourself to get further along is masterful. Don't ever lose that attribute.

  5. I tried the Pumpkin Cold Brew from Starbucks a week ago and I loved it... but my stomach and head didn't. I think that'll be the last time I ever go to Starbucks because I just can't handle all the caffeine from coffee when it settles in - I had an excruciating migraine the whole day. What made you want to take English this semester at the North Las Vegas campus? Last semester, I took classes at ALL 3 campuses and I blame

  6. I hear you, getting back into a routine is a challenge when your juggling work and school. Starbucks! Yum. I love me some coffee. I stopped getting coffee from outside sources because it was getting costly. I now make my own coffee and teas at home. Matcha lattes and Thai iced tea are my two favorites.

  7. A coffee maker helps greatly and with the bonus of saving money of not spending $5 for a cup of starbucks that $5 and be put towards 1 small bag of coffee which can make at least 15 pots worth of coffee.

  8. I definitely don't miss month end - does your company require that everyone work OT for month end so the books are closed before the 10th? LOL
    I love that this is the second time I see you quoting a Dave Ramsey book. I love his philosophy and have put his teachings to work in my life. #beansandrice

  9. Just keep pushing yourself and when needed take a step back and breath. It took m 4 years to muster up the courage to go back to school and I am just finding my groove still. You got this semester in the bag!

    1. Actually, from Fall 2019 to Fall 2022 is only three years, not four :-)

      I applaud your courage and your improving time & resource management!

      You will not only survive but thrive this semester ^_^

  10. I admire your perseverance in keeping going to the gym. I wish I could squeeze in as much exercise as you do. I'd like to try cold brew sometime. I'm not a Coffee Drinker, though.

  11. Yes! Pumpkin Cold Brew all day every day! I love the way you think. Have you ever had Dutch Bros? If not, I really recommend you try it! Tell me about it though, college really has me going the extra mile haha. I wish you the best hun!

  12. I AM LONGING for the summer. In all seriousness I need to get this mind into gear, now lets start the polls. Starbucks or Dutchbros?

  13. Definitely rooting for you! Small steps and time management will really come in handy.

  14. I completely understand your frustration. Nothing is more essential than your health, but some of us do have a tendency to get distracted and need a break from schoolwork and some other responsibilities. But just like you mentioned that you will start going to the gym before heading home, it's wise to find some sort of motivation to keep going.

  15. Mayra it is hard to get back into the groove of things but not impossible. Whenever the semester starts, I take the first few weeks or even a month to stay up to date on everything and be able to come back to the gym, that helps me get rid of all my frustrations of the day otherwise this would drive me crazy.

  16. It may be tough getting back into a routine, but I'm sure with enough coffee and time you can get back into the groove of things.

  17. I can 100% relate to this. I cannot seem to find my groove when it comes to setting a schedule for these classes. I am taking 2 more classes but still, I feel I should be able to define or create one by now. Thank you for this Blog

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  19. I feel you on how difficult it can be to "get back into the swing of things" and get back into the school mindset after having had a break from it. I don't drink coffee, but I definitely enjoy a good session at the gym.

  20. I agree with you coffee is the way to go when having a long day. :)
