Thursday, September 15, 2022

So Motivating!

You all are so motivating. I sincerely enjoy reading about how you all are pushing through the struggles. We all go through it in a similar way or another. I do find myself questioning how so many other people can juggle school, work and a family all at once.  

I'm enjoying reading more about everyone's goals, hobbies and thoughts. I like, Kevin, enjoy photography. The pictures I include in my posts were taken by me. Kevin, you truly have an impressive camera. I can only hope to one day have one like it. I also took Photography 101. The image I included in my post today is hanging at the North Las Vegas campus Building A. It was a finalist in a photography competition this last spring semester. 

“You have to reach the point that what people think is not your primary motivator. Reaching the goal is the motivator.”
― Dave Ramsey, The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness


  1. I'm elated that your classmates' blog posts are motivating you ^_^

    What a poignant photo showing vintage!

    A finalist in a photography competition last Spring semester and now hanging at the North Las Vegas campus Building A, you go Mayra :-)

  2. Mayra, I agree with you. I feel like I’m getting to know my classmates better than I have in any other class. Typically, we only introduce ourselves on the first day of class and that’s it, but not here. Can’t wait to read your future blog posts.

  3. Amazing photo. The colors are vibrant, dull and ecstatically pleasing to the eye. I too am enjoying the interactive social style of this class. Many of us have similarities, but I believe we all have one in common, our goal is to succeed in this class.

  4. Fantastic picture. Pictures tell so many stories and Ideas. Love it.

  5. The camera for me is a thing that I have been planning on doing since I first got stationed in Okinawa, Japan back in 2012. Japan as a whole is a beautiful country that I plan on going back to with this camera once I get some time and money saved up. I have visited Tokyo 14 different times during the 2012-2015 tour of duty and I still have more stuff I want to capture. The islands have some truly beautiful scenes that I managed to capture on an old Galaxy S3 that got destroyed during the move back stateside.

  6. I love how the photos you've posted have a cool-toned setting. I'm not sure if it was just cloudy or if you toyed around with the lighting, but they compliment each other perfectly. I have the upmost respect for those who are able to balance work, school, family, and more. The concept sounds too demanding but it's doable when so many people are living examples.

  7. Very nice accomplishment being a finalist in a photography competition! I can see why you made it that far based on the photo you are sharing. Hope you share more photos in future blog posts.

  8. Brilliant Photo! You have such a great eye for taking photos!

  9. That's a great photo. I always wanted to go out there to see all the old cars but never got a chance to. Check out Offerup there are some great deals on there. I always buy from Offerup.

  10. Your pictures are so fresh and free from vulgarity. I envy people who can take pictures. I think I have a lot to learn from you.

  11. Amazing photo. I can see why it was a finalist in a photography competition.

  12. As you mentioned, reading what others have to say makes me feel like I'm not the only one struggling. By the way, congrats on making the finalist list; that is a great photo shot.

  13. Beautiful photo. I'm taking Photography 101 too, who is your professor? I'm glad that you are as motivated as I am

  14. Was that your photo? I am truly impressed and blown away. I think I might have to take photography next semester so hopefully I have a trained eye like you!

  15. Wow, its so beautiful. It truly took my breath away. the IT being your grace with a picture. Its not easy to get such a perfect shot.

  16. That's a super cool hobby to have! I'd love to see some of the other pictures you've taken.

  17. I absolutely love your writing. Your high, vibrant spirit definitely shows in your blogs. I'm trying my hardest not to put a heart eye emoji in my comment.

  18. Wow, that's a beautiful picture! I love the background; the clouds and mountains make it pop out.
