Thursday, September 22, 2022

Hard Time

I am finding this semester incredibly difficult to keep up with. I am still trying to find a good routine which is making me fall behind. I am definitely thinking it has a lot to do with my new job. I am barely on my second month. I am having to learn a lot of new tasks. I am also having a lot of work thrown at me. It is overwhelming but I can do this. 

The very next thing I need to get working on are my posts for the first three chapters. It has been on the back burner for a few days now. Here we go!

“Being willing to delay pleasure for a greater result is a sign of maturity.” ~ Dave Ramsey


  1. A new job with a lot of work thrown at you will definitely overwhelm anyone!

    I know you can do this, Mayra ^_^

    Glad to see you are looking ahead and saw the topics for your next blog posts :-)

  2. You got this Mayra! Don’t forget to enjoy the journey, it will all be worth it in the end.

  3. Mayra everyone has overwhelming schedules. It is how you choose to complete and conquer the tasks that count. You will make this work. Great Job.

  4. Nothing is complicated if you are willing to try! I know you're busy with work and under a lot of pressure from your study. But I'm sure you'll find a way to catch up! Compared with you, I am not easy either! I am an eight-year-old father and regularly take my father-in-law to the specialist. Because they don't speak English. At the same time, I have to go to work and school. I believe that you will also allocate good time and grasp the nettle! I believe in you!

  5. Keep focus and stick to it and you'll pass this semester then onwards to the next

  6. You got this. Congratulations on the new job. I know you'll master your new job and school quickly and you will succeed this semester. Remember to just breath and take a step back for a minute if needed.

  7. Keep going its just a small bump in the road once you get over it its smooth sailing. Once you learn how to get through this everything else is a breeze.

  8. Congrats on your new job Mayra! Starting a new job and learning new tasks does seem overwhelming. I'm sure you'll find your groove in no time. You got this!!

  9. I'm on the same boat right now! It's exhausting how easy it is to fall behind when everything is being thrown at you left and right. In a perfect world, I would split my body in two to literally multitask.

  10. Keep going and I'm sure you'll slowly catch up.

  11. Hard times call for easy solutions. It truly is about creating routines but also keeping accountable to the routines built. Without planning, you will plan to fail. You can do it, you got this!

  12. It's all about learning time management skills. This semester has been the most difficult one for me as well. We just have to keep our focus and stay strong and positive. You will do great!

  13. Wow a new position can be challenging If you don't mind sharing, may I ask; what field are you working in and do you find the work meaningful?

  14. I am also adjusting too! It sure is hard, but we are getting somewhere!

  15. I can really relate, it sometimes seems like if you aren't constantly working on something you'll fall behind. Keep going good luck!

  16. I completely agree with you; I've never struggled in school to this extent. It's tough, perhaps because it's a new environment, but there's no denying that.

  17. This course is definitely not a "walk in the park", and honestly, I don't think I would be trying as hard as I am if it was. We can only increase our strength by increasing our challenges. I see you being successful. Keep it up......LETS GO MAYRA, YOU CAN DO IT.

  18. I know life can be overwhelming, but you got this Mayra. :)

  19. I feel you on the struggle, I am currently trying to catch up on my blog commenting at the moment and it seems when I get done with one group of blogs there are three more right after. I know when this semester is over, I am going to take a sigh of relief and a breather before moving on.
