Thursday, October 6, 2022

2.3.2 File Storage Options

 I feel file storage is such an important topic and many tend to forget about physical storage devices since you can store a lot on a "Cloud". I see people pull their pictures/files from their phones and move them to a different storage device which tends to be a laptop. They eventually run into the same issue. The device also runs out of storage. A storage device that I would have like to see further information on is the external hard drive. It very briefly mentions it. I know a lot of photographers use external hard drives. This way they don't over load their working computer devices. I have not found the need to utilize one myself as I currently use an outdated MacBook to store my pictures. With 1TB of memory, I am set for a little while. I am concerned this dinosaur of a MacBook might give out on me so I will be moving files over to an external hard drive soon! 

"Los Angeles? That’s just a big parking lot where you buy a hamburger for the trip to San Francisco." -John Lennon


  1. Wise to have a backup your photos to an external drive just in case your MacBook gives out :-)

    Hmm... I should do the same for my old files not in the cloud!

    Cool quote from John Lennon ^_^

  2. Having a schedule of regularly cleaning your hard drive space will generally net you a large amount of space by removing duplicate files, temporary files, and old junk. Also completing a fresh reinstall of the operating system will spruce up most devices by getting rid of bloated files slowing down a computer.

  3. It would be so much easier to just have one place of storage that expands. We all have different needs when it comes to storing info we want to keep, but it would be so much easier to just have one choice, rather than the buffet we currently have. It can all get so confusing to when trying to keep up to the current trends in technology.

  4. It is important to have a backup source for all information on a computer. I use an external drive which after this semester, I will be using to move many of my older files to. My computer storage is currently taken up mostly by photos. If anything were to happen to my laptop, my external drive will serve as my recovery of all the data that can potentially be lost. Because flash drives are smaller in physical size and can be stored or locked away anywhere, they are a great way to keep confidential information safe and out of your computer system.

  5. External hard drives are very portable and and able to store a lot of data on them. I would look into that knowingly that you have a dinosaurs and it may end up not working then you would have to take it to a shop to extract the data out of it at least with an external hard drive you can almost put it into any system to be read.

  6. Having a backup is always beneficial. I save my information in 2 different hard drive’s even though the “cloud” is convenient and easy to use.

  7. Regularly backing up is always good in case something goes wrong with your computer.

  8. The real question is remembering which flash drive has what information.

  9. Thank you for persuading me to look into external hard drives! My household is heavy on Apple and I've just noticed a lot of people tend to depend on external hard drives for storage with their MacBooks.

  10. I must confess that I am guilty of just saving everything in the "cloud". You made some really good points and it's definitely making me think that I should invest in a portable hard drive.

  11. It's really a long story about the storage and development of computers! But I agree with your practice; we need to transfer valuable pictures and documents to external storage often, which is very necessary!

  12. I agree with you about saving important files to external drives. But it is always good to have more than one redundancy especially if it is for business.

  13. I also feel like I should store all my important files in one place, as far as pictures I actually print out the majority of the ones I really life.

  14. Due to the volume of files we create every day and the desire of owners of these devices to respond to user needs, in my opinion, the majority of modern devices can store more data than older ones.

  15. Cloud storage is definitely the way to go.
