Thursday, October 13, 2022

4.10.4 Table of Contents

Today at work I ran into having to make a Table of Contents. I had not done this on my own before. I didn't realize that your heading style had to be specific in order for the automatic table of contents to populate. It certainly helped to be knowledgeable in Microsoft Word. I was able to quickly figure this out. Now my Accounts Payable Guide has a more professional look! 


  1. After finishing the Microsoft Word portion of LabSim I'm showing off in my other class groups about my newly found knowledge of Microsoft Word. First thing was sharing a document for group revisions now that same girl remembered how I explained it and made the next group project sharable on her own.

    1. You learned something new in IS101, explained and showed it to someone else and now that someone else is able to share that skill forward, alright ^_^

  2. Table of Contents is one of the more easier and visible impact we can make with very little effort to elevate the professionalism of our documents!

    Excellent choice of topic Mayra ^_^

  3. Yay. I am so glad we have IS101 to help guide us through this cause literally I would so lost with out it. That is way i am not a computer guy but after this class I feel more confident using the computer.

  4. So glad you were able to implement your learnings into your Job. What fun.

  5. I found this feature to be very useful. I never used it before until I started this class. Now I use it whenever I can.

  6. I didn't know this either thanks for the heads up.

  7. Originally I thought a Table of Contents only applied to the first few pages of a book. Implementing the use of one can be useful in daily life.

  8. Great that you found a way to incorporate something you learned into your work.

  9. Learning how to insert a Table of Contents is an absolute game changer for the future. I didn't even know there were built-in bibliographies as well!

  10. LabSim has taught me so many things I didn't know before. The table of contents feature is one I never had to use before. Now that I did the course, I've had to complete two assignments where I had to include a table of contents. Perfect timing!

  11. I personally think everyone that works in a business/office setting should take a class like IS-101. There are so many practical features that can be implemented into daily work making people more efficient at their jobs.

  12. The office functions provided by Excel are beneficial! I had no idea how much you could do with it until I got into it! After learning this, I know that Excel is not easy to master!

  13. Great photo choice. I also did not know the heading style had to be in a specific order as well.

  14. The things Microsoft is able to accomplish with Table of Contents really astonished me; the fact that it can update as you add new subtitles is incredibly fantastic.

  15. So many classes seem to teach topics that we never even use, it's good that that isn't the case with this class!

  16. WOW, that's so cool that you ran into that at work, and were able to complete it.
