Thursday, December 15, 2022

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year

You guys! We have reached the end of class. I am a little sad that this upcoming Saturday is the last class. This class is truly a memorable one. I have learned new things about myself and has given me a boost of confidence in the professional work environment. I am now getting ready to go on vacation that begins this Sunday. It is time to recharge and prepare for the new year. I would love to stay connected to you all via this platform. I will be checking periodically to see if how you all are doing. I wish you all the very best! 

Thursday, December 8, 2022

6.4.1 Themes and Templates

Has anyone been surprised at how many features PowerPoint contains? It is honestly more than I personally need for my employment and every day life. The various themes and templates allows for so much creativity. The themes follow a certain color scheme and the templates help you stay organized. 

What profession truly utilizes all Power Point's capabilities? I am curious to know if any of you use it to where you are sitting for a good amount of time working on a presentation? Anyway, I was hoping I would be done with this chapter by now! Almost there. I will soon be ready for that third certification. 

I am running out of photos to share! I better get back out there and shoot.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

The Holidays

I am so caught up with the holiday season although it does not feel like the holidays at all! BUT traditions are traditions. It is important to spend some time with the family but all this running around for last minute gifts and ending the previous month at work is making me fall behind. What was I thinking when I accepted to shoot an even this weekend? Send help LOL

Everyone meet Coffee. He is my 12 year old Chihuahua. He is my life! :-)