Thursday, December 1, 2022

The Holidays

I am so caught up with the holiday season although it does not feel like the holidays at all! BUT traditions are traditions. It is important to spend some time with the family but all this running around for last minute gifts and ending the previous month at work is making me fall behind. What was I thinking when I accepted to shoot an even this weekend? Send help LOL

Everyone meet Coffee. He is my 12 year old Chihuahua. He is my life! :-)


  1. It's good to be caught up with the holiday season ^_^

    May the jovial celebrations lighten the stress in life :-)

    Coffee is a cute Chihuahua!

  2. That's nice to hear, what gift where you planning on buying Coffee.

  3. Oh I love him in his little sweater! He's too cute!

    You got this Mayra! That's what caffeine is for... keeping up with life! LOL

  4. Yes, traditions are fun most of the time. I try to do as many traditions as I can with my family. Is your chihuahua Coffee full of energy?

  5. The festival is happy, but homework is heavy. Wishing you and your family a happy holiday.

  6. Nice to hear people are still giving gifts in this current economy. I'm still enjoying my early gift of that new camera a few months ago. Did you name your chihuahua Coffee because they have alot of energy?

  7. Aw, I love the sweater! I'm experimenting with sweaters this season because my dog's colder than usual. I hope he doesn't get snappy because he hates unfamiliarity :')

  8. Aww, I miss my dog. Coffee is so cute! The holidays are full of traditions and celebrations where family and friends get together. I can't wait till next week! I'll finally be on a plane going back to Chicago for a week to spend time with my kids, grandkids and try to catch up with friends I haven't seen in a while. That is my new tradition for the holidays. It is Tamale making time for a day or two then fun.

  9. I have a Chihuahua name Lily she's blind in one eye so we call her one eyed Lily. BTW It's getting to look alot like Christmas.

  10. Feliz Navidad!! I have my dog named Ruby, she is a Dachshund. We have celebrated Christmas together for the last 7 years. I need to get her a new sweater as well for this year. May you and your family have a Merry Christmas!!
