Thursday, November 24, 2022

A7 Mail Merge

I want to know if I was the only one over thinking this assignment? I went on Google and did a full on search of how to imbed information/data into a Word document during a mail merge. You can most definitely imbed objects such as a spreadsheet! I did realize it was a possibility but never tried it until yesterday. I was confused and then it hit me, "I do not think this is the purpose of this assignment". I went with my gut and submitted the assignment the way I knew how to go about a mail merge. I hope I did it correctly! *fingers crossed* How do you think you all did?

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  1. Your gut is right!

    You have a minor mistake in one of your documents but you executed the most critical concept in OLE perfectly :-)

    Your A7 score =Max(BQ1, A7) ^_^

  2. Interesting sharing. Maybe you are right. This may not be an assignment, but a way to train ourselves to find solutions to problems.

  3. I just got my WebEx done with Professor Wu after I took the MO-300 and passed it. He told me what I did wrong. I kind of knew I wasn't gonna do well cause I got ahold of Tiffany and she sent me a video on how to do it. I wanted to send Professor what I did on my own to see if I could understand the material but I didn't. Ya I failed It wasn't good.

  4. The assignment was what I thought an easy assignment. Big mistake on my part. I did research on how to embed and link mail merges, I still did it wrong due to assuming that the file path was an example of what it should look like. (*_*) Needless to say, I failed because instead of asking for help, I did it the way I thought it was supposed to be done. Overthinking the work and not really taking a step back to review properly is my fault.

  5. I rushed through the assignment and missed some key parts. Good learning experience going over it with the teacher.

  6. I haven't done A7 nor read through the assignment tasks, but I'll be praying to God for help when I get there because independent thinking is involved.

  7. I was very confused with this assignment. I was overthinking this assignment too much and ended up giving it my best and hopefully I did well.

  8. I had to watch YouTube videos on how to do a mail merge. And I still messed up! But it's ok, the 100% I got on BQ1 superseded my grade for this assignment. I'm ok with that!

  9. My first shot didn't hit the bulls eye but I too did a full search on what the project was about before learning and correcting my mistakes. I appreciated this assignment for instilling within us a drive to be not only self reliant but professional as well.

  10. I comment you for attempting to complete this assignment. I had a hard time finding the correct way to do the work. After many comparisons and learning what to do. I hope mine turns out well too. If anyone we will all find out during class.

  11. This was a little tough for me, glad you were able to figure it out. Great Job
