Thursday, November 17, 2022

Zacapoaxtla, PUE Mexico

📍Zacapoaxtla, PUE Mexico

Roughly 2,300 miles away from where I sit typing this blog post with roughly 8,000 inhabitants (compare that to the 2.8 million here in Las Vegas) this is Zacapoaxtla, Puebla. This is where I was born. A humble, modest, and honest environment. A place I walked as a toddler but can hardly remember a thing about it. I was only a year old when my parents moved us to the United States. I had the opportunity to return in 2019 and would love for people to know of this "hidden gem".

Vendors set up to sell their merchandise every Wednesday in the center of the small city. 

A forest like this one is just a short 15 minute drive. 

You feel safe during any time of the day. The city is just as beautiful at night.

Taxi's that look like the one pictured here are very common and are an affordable form of transportation for any visitor. $10.00 could get you up to a 45 min ride. 

These are only a few of the spectacular views of this uncommonly known city. I hope to have peaked an interest and you look into visiting. :)


  1. Thank you for introducing your birth city of Zacapoaxtla, PUE Mexico ^_^

    Glad you had the opportunity to visit it in 2019!

    I would like to visit this "hidden gem" someday :-)

  2. Looks like an amazing city these little towns provide the most interesting slices of life compared to the bustle of a big city.

  3. Please take me with you, the small city looks so beautiful and peaceful.

  4. I've heard of Zacapoaxla. I'd love to visit one day. It looks like a refreshing place to get away from the normal hectic city life. Do you know if they have the natural hot springs there? I know lots of places in Mexico have natural hot springs or pools where people can swim or just sit in and relax. People say they are healing pools and I believe it.

  5. I was born in Puebla as well, but my town does look as nice as Zacapoaxtla, Puebla. I will make sure to visit this town when I visit Mexico again.

  6. In April I had the chance to finally visit Mexico. We drive to San Diego to TJ to Rosarito. It was amazing I want to do it again.

  7. I love seeing new places and experiences. I researched your birth place and drive time it would take to get there from Las Vegas. Google maps says it takes 34 hours to drive. My longest time to drive and travel was 25 hours on the road from Houston to Los Angeles. I bet it would be fun to drive to your hometown from Las Vegas and get to see all the tourist places along the way. What's the furthest you've traveled?

  8. Your birthplace is so beautiful! I'm glad you were able to explore its beauty and reconnect with your past. I love seeing buildings that are in different colors other than traditional, neutral house colors.

  9. 193 Pessos for a taxi! I can get 20+ tacos with that, no thanks fam ill walk, in fact I think ill take the time to walk around those shops you mentioned; the town looks lovely. ;D

  10. I love the small town feel of your hometown. It looks absolutely beautiful and full of so much life and culture. I definitely will put this down as one of the places I must visit.

  11. Beautiful town. Everything looks so peaceful and calm. Enjoy your visit.

  12. I wish I could visit this place someday because it seems so amazing. Where I come from, taxis are significantly less safe than those here, but can take you to a variety of locations for a reasonable price.
