Thursday, November 10, 2022

With Only Three Minutes to Spare!

You guys! I am so excited to share that I have passed my MO-200 tonight! I had the hardest time with "B.5.2 Microsoft Excel Practice - Form B". Form A was easy for me but B took me 3-4 tries to even get a passing score. Professor Wu believed I could pass MO-200 and was pushing for me to take it. Closer to the end of the exam I was scared that I was not going to finish in time. I finished the exam with only three minutes to spare. I didn't have enough time to even go back and check my work. Imagine how surprised I was when I saw that my score was closer to 1000 than I thought it would be! I think I even did better than I did with Word. I am so glad I agreed to take it tonight. One less thing to worry about! :-)

Thank you for believing in me, Professor. 😊

"The most important thing is to enjoy your life — to be happy. It's all that matters." - Audrey Hepburn


  1. Most welcome Mayra :-)

    More importantly, I believe you believed in yourself!

    Well done on earning the second highest score on MO-200 out of six students so far ^_^

  2. If you have confidence in your ability then you will pass any exam. Keep up the good work with MO-200. The next exam is really challenging.

  3. Congratulations Mayra! I believe the next exam will be much easier.

  4. I'm really happy for you! Congratulations Mayra!

  5. Congrats Mayra! I just finished part B myself, with 6 attempts under my belt. I'll be on my way to take the next exam.

  6. Congrats Mayra!! You did it!!
    (Side note, I love Audrey Hepburn, especially in "My Fair Lady".)

  7. Congratulations on passing your MO-200 exam. The practice exam Form B stumped me too for a little while, but I managed to get 100% after a few tries. One thing I really like about the practice exams is that you can keep trying until you master all the questions.

  8. Yes, its the little achievements that lead to total triumph, congrats Mayra.

  9. Congratulations I also didn't pass form B in one try. In fact I ran out of time I didn't even start section 7 when time ran out. Got it the second try but was unhappy with the score. Reviewed it with Professor and understood what I was doing wrong and passed the MO-200 as well. Cheers to another test in the books.

  10. 3 minutes??! When I took MO-100, I had about 15 minutes left and by the time I was done going through problems I was iffy about, I had 3 minutes left to submit. I hope I have enough time left when I take MO-200. It's great you finished with such a high score, congratulations!

  11. Congratulations!! I completely agree with you; it also took me three attempts to pass the last Excel practice exam.
