Thursday, November 3, 2022

This Year

I became accustomed to writing my blog posts about a chapter of LabSim. I can not think of anything else to post about at the moment. I am having a hard time showing up to class on time lately and that is disappointing me to the fullest. I am going through a lot at home recently. It is greatly affecting my daily routines. I would have never thought that I would be going through this much change this year. It is almost unbelievable. I am working to getting to a new normal. Hopefully sooner than later. 

"There's no going back to the way things were. Those days are over. They happened. There's only going forward to the way things can be." - Dr John Delony


  1. I honestly was thinking about writing about LabSim too, but everyone snatched up my topics... I also have so many thoughts, but I feel like it's just too much and scrambled up for me to actually start typing about them! I wish you so much luck in recovering from this unexpected setback because I've been there before. It doesn't matter how fast or slow; what matters is that you're prioritizing stability at a manageable pace :)

  2. I hope things settle down at home for you, Marya.

    Thank you for sharing, I know it's uncharacteristic of you to show up late :-)

    Yuan's advice is sage: "prioritizing stability at a manageable pace"!

  3. It's ok Mayra, change is inevitable. Adapting to new change in your life may take time, but it'll happen. You'll find a new routine that works for you :)

  4. This semester has been tough. Life always throws us unexpected things. I believe that everything will get better. You got this!

  5. The time of the year is coming around where we can all reflect about the last 12 months of our life. The details of our journey is what gives the substance to our stories. Without substance, life would be like reading an instruction manual and just going through the motions of life without any purpose or intention. I try my best every day to be the best version of myself, regardless of what is going on in life.

  6. I understand how you feel significantly when family changes affect your learning process. That's a tough one to swallow. I'm sure you can find a suitable solution! Everything will be all right!

  7. I wish you strength, courage, and the wisdom to acknowledge your processes. May the triforce be with you.

  8. This holiday seasons is stressful for just about everyone. One of the topics that my COM 101 class requires is a persuasive speech. I'm doing mine on how college students should travel to Japan so they can reduce stress.

  9. Mayra we all go through different challenges. I try to leave mine at the door when I leave for school or work does not alway's work so I turn to music.

  10. I sincerely hope things get better for you at home Mayra. Posting blogs has become a new norm in our academic journey in IS 101. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, think happy thoughts. You will get your groove back. I know it can be difficult, but you seem to be a strong young woman. You got this!

  11. Good luck on your journey as I am going through something as well. Its just life teaching us how to be stronger on our path of life.

  12. I totally understand your frustration. This semester has truly been challenging, I hope it gets better for everyone.
