Thursday, October 27, 2022

5.7.4 The IF Function

I am having such a great time learning more about Excel! I have yet another instance where this class has helped at work. I deal with spreadsheets daily at work. This specific chapter I learned how to use sumif's. I was able to utilize it yesterday. The spreadsheet I used it on consisted of four departments - Install, Service, E-Service, and Telecom. I needed to allocate how much was being charged to each department so I assigned each employee a letter (I, S, E, T) depending on what department that person was in. I was able to tell my function to sum depending on the letter. This was my third time dealing with this spreadsheet. This was so useful.


  1. The IF function: first step in programming logic and will elevate a person's skill-level and brilliance in using an Excel spreadsheet beyond the superficial!

    I am proud to hear you not only mastered IF but SumIF :-)

    I am ecstatic to hear that you apply what you learned in IS101-3012 to your workplace and a complex function of SumIF to boot ^_^

  2. I agree with you. The proper use of the "IF" function can save us time and effort in processing files!

  3. Organization is so important to me and it's very interesting to learn how you assign different values to each employee depending on their department. I hope I can pick up the pace soon with LabSim!

  4. Look at you being more efficient at work in Excel! Pretty soon you'll have to teach your co-workers your tips and tricks... or not. Hahaha

  5. The IF Function is very useful. It's nice to use things we learn in class and use them at work.

  6. If only we can through this chapter faster, while using SUMIF functions. Just kidding. I agree that this lesson is useful in any setting.

  7. the SUMIF function has been a great tool for my work related reports as well. It has made updates so much faster and easier to manage, especially with absolute values I can change numbers quickly to get results in seconds rather than minutes or hours.

  8. The IF function was a definitive trump card when other functions were not working in Excel to complete the assignment.

  9. The IF function was fun but when you forget to put thing parenthesis things got frustrating.

  10. IF has been the challenge for me. I am getting it. Then you add in SUMIF. Add in UNIQUE and other functions and it gets more fun.

  11. The IF function very useful. It's nice to be able to use things you learned in other places.

  12. It's fascinating that you applied this LabSim lesson at your workplace. The IF function was in fact difficult to master.

  13. It's great your already finding uses for what you've learned in your workplace!
