Thursday, December 8, 2022

6.4.1 Themes and Templates

Has anyone been surprised at how many features PowerPoint contains? It is honestly more than I personally need for my employment and every day life. The various themes and templates allows for so much creativity. The themes follow a certain color scheme and the templates help you stay organized. 

What profession truly utilizes all Power Point's capabilities? I am curious to know if any of you use it to where you are sitting for a good amount of time working on a presentation? Anyway, I was hoping I would be done with this chapter by now! Almost there. I will soon be ready for that third certification. 

I am running out of photos to share! I better get back out there and shoot.


  1. Themes and templates in PowerPoint -- as well as other Office applications -- are definitely helpful in making things beautiful and even professional quickly ^_^

    I would definitely modify any chosen theme and template to avoid looking like another person's work. If you chose to use a theme or template, chances are someone else did too :-)

  2. Yes definitely looking forward to more photos ^_ ^. as for who uses PowerPoint to their utmost ability; "other than this guy", I would think maybe a professional rhetor.

  3. I was very surprised with the many features PowerPoint offers. Themes and templates give us the opportunity to make our presentation standout. Your photo looks amazing.

  4. I have the same idea as you. PowerPoint is very powerful, and I did learn more about PowerPoint from this class.

  5. Looking at your picture, it almost reminds me of home (Hawaii). The color of the water, the way the mountains look in the background, and the fluffy clouds, it almost looks it could be anywhere. But I know where you are by the obvious bridge in the foreground. Hope you keep shooting because your pictures are great!

  6. Being the creative person I am, PowerPoint is definitely a creative experience for me. Now that I have the extra knowledge of presentations, the sky is the limit. I really like your photo. The scenery gives me a little sense of calmness. The colors are amazing.

  7. My knowledge of PowerPoint has grown exponentially since reaching that chapter. My potential to create amazing PowerPoint presentations combined with the camera are virtually limitless.

  8. I've always wondered what professions truly utilize certain features of PowerPoint. I think the different animations would suit really well for elementary school presentations.

  9. I am glad for this awesome blog post. The very first career that pops into my head is a Real Estate Agent. A real estate agent must be able to utilize all the tools we have learned and adapted to with this course. I want my future investment to be very well organized as any presentation of sales or investments. My experience with the tools we have learned about applies to every day life as we speak. For example, ever wonder how online employment applications are created? I bet you did not know that it is a form of an expert PowerPoint creator. Though I may not express much in class, but I do observe a lot of the lessons applied to every day life.

  10. When I used PowerPoint for the first time it took me 2 days to finish a 6 slide PowerPoint presentation.
